Bad Takes: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

Paul is going solo in the inaugural episode of a new podcast series: Bad Takes. The internet is full of bad takes on some of the popular media of the day. Paul tackles one of these that has cropped up in the fourth episode of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: Is John Walker the real villain of the series? Listen to Paul’s take, and if you disagree, let him know!

And if you’re looking for that little Captain America snippet that I referenced in the podcast, here you go:

Secretary Ross: “Rogers, be reasonable. All we’re asking for here is a little insight into your activities.”

Steve Rogers, who until this point was deep in thought and seemed to be seriously considering signing the Sokovia Accords, appears to be jolted back to reality with that last statement. He looks up at Secretary Ross with his eyebrows slightly raised.

Steve Rogers: “Insight? By who? SHIELD? The government? The military? Back during the war, I was rejected at every turn when I tried to join up. The military was against my participation in the super soldier program and even afterwards, instead of letting me make a difference and save lives, they paraded me around as propaganda. When I came out of the ice, the very first interaction that I had with SHIELD was based on a lie as they tried to convince me I was still in the 1940s. Later on I was lied to again when I found out SHIELD was using the Tesseract to create weapons, just like Hydra had done. You mention wanting insight. Do you remember Project Insight? That was when SHIELD had a plan to preemptively eliminate threats. That would’ve been wrong even if it hadn’t been run by Hydra. I’ve been lied to, manipulated, and had to fight against SHIELD, the government, and the military my entire life, so you can understand why I might be a little hesitant to let you completely tie my hands.”

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Paul Essen
Founder and Chief Discourse Officer at Rampant Discourse
Proud geek. Trekkie. Browncoat. Entil'Zha. First human spectre. Hokie. Black belt. Invests Foolishly. Loves games of all types and never has enough time to play as many as he wants. Libertarian who looks forward to the day he votes for a winning presidential candidate. Father to two beautiful daughters.

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