What We Once Were … What We Might Have Been

June 10, 2019

I recently turned 38. That isn’t particularly remarkable in itself, but for some reason this number and the approach to it, have left me having more of a midlife crisis than I would ever have thought possible for myself. Now, this is still far from a “Homer Simpson-style” midlife panic, but it has led to some serious introspection. And given that I am already prone to serious introspection on the…


Twenty Years of Darkness

Jennifer Connolly as Emma Murdoch singing in a poorly lit jazz bar
February 27, 2018

On February 27th, 1998, Dark City was given a wide release in theaters.  While the movie won praise from critics for its visual flair, it tended to get much poorer marks for human elements.  None of the actors was acclaimed for giving a strong performance,  the story was widely panned and the film was not much of a financial success, earning a meager $27M worldwide.  I was thinking about this…