• The Rampant Discourse Podcast: Episode 84 – Wealth Inequality
  • The Rampant Discourse Podcast: Episode 83 – The Best Video Games: 8th Generation
  • The Rampant Discourse Podcast: Episode 82 – The Best Video Games: 7th Generation
  • The Rampant Discourse Podcast: Episode 81 – The Best Video Games: 6th Generation
  • The Rampant Discourse Podcast: Episode 80 – The Best Video Games: 5th Generation

Old Bands Never Die…

Twenty years is a long time.  Two decades in the music industry is an eternity.  Back in 1996 most people had no idea what an MP3 was; now there are likely young people who have never seen a CD, never mind a cassette.  But several major bands from that time period are set to release albums in October and November of 2016. Metallica’s album Load was released on June 4,…


Hi, My Name is Paul

I consider myself a libertarian. I say this not because it defines me or is the most important part of me, but because it’s likely to be the aspect of me that comes across most strongly in what I write here. As the government gets involved in more and more aspects of our lives, it’s hard to find topics that aren’t touched by politics. I say my libertarianism doesn’t define…


Hi, My Name is Travis

Hi! My name is (what?) My name is (who?) My name is Travis Hudson I like to think I have a unique writing style, but then so do most people.  I tend to include far more quotes and references than is totally necessary.  I’m largely influenced by writers such as Chuck Klosterman.  This combination means I enjoy examining pop culture while attempting to amuse the audience.  I often incorporate humor but have…


Hi, My Name is Andrew

I’m the gamer. I say that like it defines me, but that’s fitting since we do it with games too.   Is this game a AAA game or an indie game?  Is it a shooter or a strategy game?  We use these definitions to help put games, and people, into boxes that we can understand without getting to know what they’re really about.  Sometimes this works as short-hand jargon.  It’s…