Why I am not (directly) Investing in Marijuana Stocks

September 30, 2018

Have you heard about Tilray (TLRY)? It’s the marijuana stock which has gone from $53 a share to $300 a share and back down to $100 a share… just in the past month! That’s not even as crazy as the single day where trading was halted 5 times due to volatility and went from being up 90% (in one day!) to briefly being negative, to finally finishing in the green.


Everybody Should Be Investing

April 13, 2018

Disclaimer: All opinions expressed below are solely my own and do not necessarily represent the opinions of my employer, The Motley Fool. Also, while I will do my best to temper my words, it is very important to remember that investments in the stock market CAN lose value and that past performance is no guarantee of future results. The Problem April is Financial Literacy Month, and so I thought we…


Lessons From My Biggest Investing Mistake

September 21, 2017

Recently at work, a question was broadcast over Slack (for those unfamiliar with Slack, think of a messaging tool that is a cross between email and instant messaging) asking if anybody had any interesting stories about stocks that they had sold that they later regretted. The story was to be used in an upcoming podcast (if you want to hear the dulcet tones of my voice recounting the story, check…


Stop Wasting Your Money On Fancy ‘Experiences’ (and Be Happier Doing It)

Park: Credit Ilya Ilyukhin
August 14, 2017

Today this article came up in my Facebook feed. It echoed a sentiment I’ve seen in many different places. Stop buying stuff, start buying experiences. This is good in that it helps people reduce their waste but bad in that it simply replaces one outlet for excess spending with another. Spending is a big issue with Americans awash in debt and often headed towards bankruptcy. Spending gobs of money on yourself…


Your Overused Air Conditioner Burns Money

Burning hundred dollar bill
July 26, 2017

It’s summertime and that means most of the United States is turning on our air conditioners. As of 2009 over 87% of all homes in the U.S. had some form of air conditioning, and that number is probably well over 90% now. Cooling accounts for 6% of an average home’s annual energy use. This might sound small, but when you consider that you’re only running your AC for about 25%…


Springtime for LED Bulbs and America

Bulbs in Bloom
May 10, 2017

Springtime is upon us. The birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming and our thoughts naturally turn towards light bulbs. Okay, maybe not naturally, but this is the best time of year to think about your lighting. By this point in time we probably all know that LED bulbs are the best, but many of us are still dragging our feet on installing them. Maybe you’re just waiting for your…


Explainer: Why Leaving Your Thermostat The Same All Day Wastes Money

Home Alone Furnace (Credit: 20th Century Fox)
January 31, 2017

Keeping Your Thermostat The Same All Day Wastes Money No one likes to waste money, right? Unfortunately, there are still some pernicious myths out there slowly draining our bank accounts. One of these myths is that leaving your thermostat at the same temperature all day somehow saves money. This is untrue for the vast majority of homes, yet the myth won’t die. Many sites on the internet will tell you that…


Eight Money Saving New Year’s Resolutions That Also Save The Planet

January 3, 2017

It’s 2017 and that means it’s time for some money saving New Year’s resolutions. All of these are free or cheap to do so they’ll save cash quick. Having some more dough won’t hurt your bank account, and the energy they’ll save will help the planet too. Doing everything below could save you thousands of dollars a year, but even if you only do the Good option for a few you’ll still save…


Car Free Tempe Baby

Father and son biking past the Tempe Center for the Arts
December 20, 2016

Getting started When I first learned that we were moving to Tempe, Arizona I figured we’d take our car along with us. We’d be moving there at the start of August, when temperatures could easily break 120 F. I’d done a fair amount of non-car travel in my past, but we’d have our 8 month old baby with us in this harsh desert, so of course we’d have to have a car,…