Million Dollar Ideas

May 24, 2018

I’m not sure when it started, but my guess is that it coincided pretty closely with when my wife and I started watching Shark Tank. Whenever I thought of something that seemed like it could make a lot of money or fill some unmet need or just make life a little easier, I would turn to my wife, say, “MDI” and then follow it up with whatever half-baked idea I…


My Problem with Apu

May 10, 2018

The Problem Have you heard about The Problem With Apu? It’s a 2017 documentary about a comedian’s exploration into the cultural impact of the Indian Simpsons character named Apu. It’s remained in the news thanks to some recent developments. First, an episode of The Simpsons aired which seemed to try to address the controversy. And while some people considered it to be a thoughtful response, many others were less than impressed. More recently, Hank Azaria, the…


Avengers: Infinity War Reaction

April 30, 2018

SPOILER ALERT: Spoilers for Avengers: Infinity War follow. Wow. A lot of the Avengers: Infinity War reviews had mentioned how epic, breath-taking, and exhausting the movie is, with most saying they needed time (and maybe multiple additional viewings) to digest what happened before deciding how much (or if) they liked the movie. I had thought much of that was hyperbole, but after having seen the movie, I can definitely understand where…


A Look Back on 10 Years of the Marvel Cinematic Universe

April 27, 2018

SPOILER ALERT: Spoilers for any and all MCU movies to date may follow. Avengers: Infinity War is coming out in just a few days. There’s some debate on whether or not it’s the most ambitious crossover event in history, but with the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) being the highest grossing film series, there’s no doubt that this is a big deal. On a personal level, over the 18 movies in the…


Everybody Should Be Investing

April 13, 2018

Disclaimer: All opinions expressed below are solely my own and do not necessarily represent the opinions of my employer, The Motley Fool. Also, while I will do my best to temper my words, it is very important to remember that investments in the stock market CAN lose value and that past performance is no guarantee of future results. The Problem April is Financial Literacy Month, and so I thought we…


Black Panther Review

February 22, 2018

SPOILER ALERT: Spoilers for Black Panther follows. The last Marvel Cinematic Universe movie before the looming Infinity War is out, so how does it stack up? Read on to hear my thoughts on King T’Challa’s first solo movie. Black Panther is an interesting movie in that it isn’t quite an origin story like other MCU movies. T’Challa had already appeared in Captain America: Civil War as a fully developed superhero. In that sense,…


Two Terms I Wish We Used Less

February 14, 2018

Over the past few months, there have been a few terms being thrown around more and more often over social media that cause me to cringe a little bit every time I read them. I cringe because I worry that their overuse is contributing in some small way to the poisoning of our political discourse as well as making it hard to relate to and understand each other. Here are…


Do You Know What Your Priorities Are?

January 2, 2018

“I enjoy reading, I just don’t have the time.” I’ve said the above many times over the years, particularly since having kids. People would ask if I’ve read Ready Player One or the Game of Thrones books and I would sheepishly have to admit that I haven’t (or crack a joke about waiting for the movie/TV series). In fact, I have a hard time remembering the last book that I read for pleasure….


Everything Wrong with Star Wars: The Last Jedi

December 21, 2017

SPOILER ALERT: Spoilers for Star Wars: The Last Jedi follows. You might have heard, there’s a new Star Wars movie out, and there are two big takeaways from its opening weekend: The movie is going to make a lot of money The audience reaction to the movie is a little less stellar than the overwhelmingly positive critical reaction I saw the movie last week, and while I don’t think it’s…


The Pain and Pleasure of Movie Trailers

November 30, 2017

The first Avengers: Infinity War trailer was released yesterday, and so it seemed like a good time to talk about something that I’m a big fan of: Movie Trailers. But before we go any further, let’s take a few minutes to view that Infinity War trailer one more time… Still hasn’t gotten old, despite probably a dozen viewings. May 4th can’t come soon enough. Get this man a shield. I’m a bit…