Is Freedom What the Doctorow Ordered?

August 31, 2017

I have been aware of Cory Doctorow for a very long time.  In 2005 I  read his debut novel Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom, which was published in 2003.  And even before then, I was aware of Mr. Doctorow as an agent provocateur of the intellectually anti-copyright fighters, though that is an unfair characterization.  Doctorow was never anti-copyright; he was, however, against the concept of copyright as it…


Have You Read the Google Memo?

August 23, 2017

Have you read the anti-diversity manifesto written by a Google employee that resulted in his firing from the tech giant? I don’t mean have you heard about it on the news or read somebody else’s thoughts about it on social media. No, I’m asking if you’ve read the actual memo itself. If not, I implore you to check it out. It’s not hard to find. You don’t even have to…


Stop Wasting Your Money On Fancy ‘Experiences’ (and Be Happier Doing It)

Park: Credit Ilya Ilyukhin
August 14, 2017

Today this article came up in my Facebook feed. It echoed a sentiment I’ve seen in many different places. Stop buying stuff, start buying experiences. This is good in that it helps people reduce their waste but bad in that it simply replaces one outlet for excess spending with another. Spending is a big issue with Americans awash in debt and often headed towards bankruptcy. Spending gobs of money on yourself…


Find the Signal in the Noise

August 2, 2017

In our media saturated world, it can be nigh impossible to find the signal in the noise.  That is to say, we have access to so much content all the time that it’s tough to find the music, movies, books, and games that truly speak to us, that really matter to our lives, that greatly influence and stimulate our thinking.  Realistically, there is so much content that we’ll never be…