A Look Back on 10 Years of the Marvel Cinematic Universe

April 27, 2018

SPOILER ALERT: Spoilers for any and all MCU movies to date may follow. Avengers: Infinity War is coming out in just a few days. There’s some debate on whether or not it’s the most ambitious crossover event in history, but with the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) being the highest grossing film series, there’s no doubt that this is a big deal. On a personal level, over the 18 movies in the…


The Pain and Pleasure of Movie Trailers

November 30, 2017

The first Avengers: Infinity War trailer was released yesterday, and so it seemed like a good time to talk about something that I’m a big fan of: Movie Trailers. But before we go any further, let’s take a few minutes to view that Infinity War trailer one more time… Still hasn’t gotten old, despite probably a dozen viewings. May 4th can’t come soon enough. Get this man a shield. I’m a bit…